Automate YouTube Video Production with Ruby on Rails using the YouTube API
Learn how to build a Rails application to interact with the YouTube API for syncing descriptions, thumbnails, and more!
- Data modeling with ActiveRecord for Video Automation tool
- ActionView basics - list and edit custom video descriptions
- Render custom descriptions with ERB
- YouTube API Authentication with Rails
- List YouTube videos with the Data API and Ruby
- Update Videos with the YouTube API
- Tagging videos with the YouTube API
- Convert SVG to PNG with JavaScript
- Upload YouTube thumbnail with the YouTube Data API and Rails
- Adding a Categories feature
- Dynamically render SVG with Rails
- How to deploy a Rails 6 application to Heroku
- Devise authentication with Rails 6
- Limit access to data to authorized users Rails 6
- Record a video with JavaScript in a Ruby on Rails app
- Upload a video to YouTube with the YouTube Data API
- Setting up Background Jobs in Ruby on Rails
- Running Rails background jobs on Heroku with Resque and Redis
- Refresh YouTube API OAuth Tokens with Ruby
- Take a photo and remove greenscreen with JavaScript
- Add bitmoji sticker to canvas with JavaScript using the bitmoji kit
- Drag image on HTML Canvas with JavaScript