What's this about?
Are you using Sidekiq to process your background jobs, but struggling with it as your application scales? Sidekiq can scale to 5,000 jobs per second with just a little effort and knowledge: in Sidekiq in Practice, I'll show you how.
Sidekiq in Practice takes a step-by-step approach towards building a complex, real-world application that runs a massive volume of jobs through Sidekiq.
You'll Learn
Nate Berkopec
A Ruby performance guy. Nate appeared on Shark Tank, ABC's primetime entrepreneurship show, when he was nineteen years old. He's worked at several startups over the years, and now writes a blog about performance-related Ruby topics.
Nate is a contributor to several open source projects, such as Ruby on Rails and Sentry. He has been a speaker at RubyFuza, RubyKaigi, GORUCO, RubyConf, and RailsConf.