What's this about?
Learn how to build a platform for creators to sell their digital downloads
You'll Learn
- What we'll build
- New Ruby on Rails application and Static pages
- Devise authentication styled with Tailwind UI
- Landing page for Ruby on Rails with Tailwind UI
- Postgres enums in Ruby on Rails
- Handle webhooks and process async with Rails
- Dashboard view with Tailwind UI
- Stripe Connect onboarding with Ruby on Rails
- Create Stripe Financial Accounts to store money
- Financial Account balances and Payments balances
- Stripe Payouts
- Annotate gem
- Faker gem
- Enable creators to create Stripe Products with localized prices
- Upload Product images with ActiveStorage
- AWS S3 Uploads with Ruby on Rails
- Stores Subdomain Routing with Ruby on Rails
- Product listing pages with Tailwind UI
- Customer Payment Flow with Stripe Checkout
- Order Confirmation Page with Tailwind UI
- Order Fulfillment with Webhooks
- Modeling Attachments and using Counter Caches
- Deploy Rails 7 to Heroku
- SSL for Custom Subdomains with Cloudflare, Heroku, and Rails
- Gravatars
- Custom layout for devise views
- Custom attributes for devise onboarding
- Branding with DALL-E generated logo
- Stripe Treasury flows explained
- Create cardholders and issue cards to creators
- Display virtual card details with Issuing Elements
- Sending email with Ruby on Rails
- Attachment downloads for end customers

CJ Avilla
I'm interested in learning new programming languages; building high leverage tools; and recently, sharing what I've learned from dozens of other incredible and generous friends and online strangers in the form of video content.

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Learn how to build a platform for creators to sell their digital downloads