What's this about?
Learn Rails the way the Rails core team recommends it, along with the tens of thousands of developers who have used this broad, far-reaching tutorial and reference. If you’re new to Rails, you’ll get step-by-step guidance. If you’re an experienced developer, get the comprehensive, insider information you need for the latest version of Ruby on Rails. The new edition of this award-winning classic is completely updated for Rails 6 and Ruby 2.6, with information on processing email with Action Mailbox and managing rich text with Action Text.
You'll Learn
David B. Copeland
I’ve most recently been the Chief Software Architect and Director of Engineering at Stitch Fix. I helped grow the engineering team and technology from 3 to 200+, establishing technology and process to help the company grow for years. I’m also an author of several programming books
Sam Ruby
President of the Apache Software Foundation, previously co-chaired the W3C HTML Working Group, and has made significant contributions to many open source projects and standards.
Dave Thomas
As one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, understands agility. As the author of Programming Ruby, he understands Ruby. And, as an active Rails developer, he knows Rails.