What's this about?
The Rails™ 7 Way is the comprehensive, authoritative reference guide for professionals delivering production-quality code using modern Ruby on Rails. It illuminates the entire Rails 7 API, its most powerful idioms, design approaches, and libraries. Building on the previous editions, this edition has been heavily refactored and updated. It features entirely new chapters on Action Mailbox, Action Text, Active Storage, Multi Database Support, and various asset pipelines.
Through detailed code examples, you’ll dive deep into Ruby on Rails, discover why it’s designed as it is, and learn to make it do exactly what you want. Proven in thousands of production systems, the knowledge in this book will maximize your productivity and help you build more successful solutions.
- Build powerful, scalable, REST-compliant back-end services
- Program complex program flows using Action Controller
- Represent models, relationships, and operations in Active Record, and apply advanced Active Record techniques
- Smoothly evolve your database schema via Migrations
- Craft front-ends with ActionView
- Build your assets with the Asset Pipeline and/or Webpacker
- Optimize performance and scalability with caching and Turbolinks
- Improve your productivity using Haml HTML templating
- Secure your systems against attacks like SQL Injection, XSS, and XSRF
- Integrate email using Action Mailer and Action Mailbox
- Enable real-time, websockets-based browser behavior with Action Cable
- Improve responsiveness with background processing
- Build “API-only” back-end projects that speak JSON
- Store your files in the cloud via Active Storage
- Add a great WYSIWYG via Action Text
- Leverage Multiple Databases
You'll Learn
Lucas Dohmen
Lucas is a senior consultant at INNOQ and works on the architecture, conception and implementation of Web applications on the front and back end. He is programming in Ruby and JavaScript – with Rails being his go to framework for Web applications since 2006. Outside of work he’s doing a lot of open source (such as faucet-pipeline) and community work (like organising and teaching at the local CoderDojo) and records the CaSE podcast, the INNOQ Podcast and more.
Tom Henrik Aadland
Tom is a Business Architect at Ørn Software where he is building the bridge between business strategy and development.
Tom was an early adopter and advocate of Rails, specialising in it since 2006. During his spare time he enjoys travelling, reading and music. One of his adventures led him to Argentina Buenos Aires where he spent a decade, pioneering in remote working and living life as a digital nomad before the term was even coined. There he was the founder of the first Rails conference in the Southern Cone, Locos por Rails 2009. When he is not working on some project he spends his time with his wife and two kids.
Obie Fernandez
The "one and only" Obie Fernandez is an avid writer and technology enthusiast, in addition to achieving worldwide success as an electronic music producer and touring DJ. He currently serves as Director and Chief Consultant of MagmaLabs, headquartered in Colima, Mexico.
Obie's last jobby job was SVP of Engineering at NYC tech darling 2U. He has been CTO and co-founder of many startups including Mark Zuckerberg's beloved Andela and Trevor Owen's Lean Startup Machine. His published books include the acclaimed business title The Lean Enterprise. He also founded one of the world's best known Ruby on Rails web design and development agencies, Hashrocket and is author of the bible of Rails development, The Rails Way and series editor for Addison-Wesley's Professional Ruby Series.
On the rare occasion when Obie is not busy building products, consulting clients or writing books, you can find him behind the lens of his camera or DJing in the dust at Burning Man.